
Berk Trade and Business School has been known as one of the best technical institutes in New York City for over 70 years. Their team of professional instructors knows that when it comes to educating the next generation of tradespeople, you have to adapt with the times. That’s why they’re always looking forward, learning about innovations in technology, and providing their students with the most state-of-the-art training available.

Electricians everywhere are talking about the latest innovation in solar powered batteries, which could potentially revolutionize the way homes are supplied with power. You may have heard of the Tesla company because of their highly publicized solar powered car designs that look and drive like regular gas-powered sports cars—but now they’re branching out to alternative energy sources for home use, and the implications are huge. 

Tesla just released Powerwall, a high tech line of battery packages that harnesses solar power with maximum efficiency. These battery packs can power an entire home (or commercial space) during peak usage hours, and 2,500 different businesses across the country are already vying for the chance to debut the product this summer. Solar power has long been viewed as the future of clean energy, but until now the only viable option for homeowners was large and expensive solar panels, which aren’t suitable for most building structures and are costly to maintain.

It’s hard to say whether or not Powerwall will eventually become inexpensive enough to be a ubiquitous among homeowners, but rest assured that the trade school professionals at Berk Trade and Business School have their fingers on the pulse of every trade-related innovation. If you want to learn a trade at a school that will prepare you for the future, no matter what it holds, call Berk Trade and Business School today at (718) 729-0909.  
