
Pesky pests like ticks and fleas are not just nuisances – they can cause severe health problems for your pet. Waipio Pet Clinic in Waipahu, HI wants all your dogs and cats to live long, healthy lives. Their vets want to give you a few pointers on how to check your animal for signs of fleas and ticks.

To keep your pet healthy and insect-free, make sure to do the following:

Check your animals after they’ve spent time outside: Fleas and ticks often hide in areas with high grass or dense foliage, waiting for a host to hang on to. If your cat enjoys the yard or if your pup goes for romps in the woods, make sure you’re checking them visually after each time they return from the great outdoors. You’ll need to separate their fur for a close look, especially if it’s dark or dense.

Perform a finger comb: Finger combs are a good way to feel for pests, particularly ticks, that you may not be able to see with the naked eye. Thoroughly comb your pet’s coat and feel for any anomalies that may resemble an insect.

Pay attention to body language: Carrying around these pests is not a pleasant task for any animal. If your pet is constantly itching or shaking, he may have a flea or tick problem. Especially if your pet appears to be trying to shake something out of his ear, you’ll want your veterinarian to take a closer look.

If you’re afraid your pet may have fleas or ticks, or if you have any other questions or concerns about your dog or cat’s health, you can trust Waipio Pet Clinic to provide your pet with high quality care. Visit them online to learn more or call them at (808) 676-2205 to make an appointment.
