Have you heard of “Self Directed Learning” and “Multiple intelligence (MI)?” As these represent the current trend in education, let’s find out what they are.

The concept of Multiple Intelligences was first formulated by Howard Gardner in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Whereas linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences are centrally addressed and nurtured by the three Rs of traditional education, other forms of intelligence, including musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and spatial, provide alternative means of accessing knowledge, according to Gardner’s scheme. CLICK HERE
Although some may excel in certain areas, everyone has talent in the 8 different areas of intelligence which can be further developed. This implies that every child has the potential but at the same time, it also implies that not everyone can benefit from the same type of education or studying method. Therefore, it is important that the child finds which area he or she has talent and further develop the skills as this can lead to the habit of studying in a self-directed manner. Self-directed learning is the trend in today’s education as it allows the learners to become self-directed in every way. Students are able to set their own goals and proceed according to their own plans. So then, what is the role of the parent in this process? First, the parent can guide the child to take the MI test to see which areas the child has talent in. Then the following 6 points should be taken into account to help them build the habit of being self-directed:
How to Guide the Child to Become Self-Directed
1.Think outside the box
“Student with high intelligence quotient (IQ) is smart” “Student who studies for a long time is smart” This is a stereotype that we generally have; however, it’s more likely the case that students show great performance when they study based on the strong intelligence area. Everyone has his or her own pair of jeans that fits him/her best – there is no single pair of jeans that fits everyone.
2.Observe the child closely
Don’t push your child to study; rather, find ways to arouse curiosity in the child. Observe your child carefully and find out what the child is interested in.
3.Discover your child’s strengths and keep him/her inspired
First, administer the MI test and figure out which intelligence area the child excels in. Once the strengths is found, keep encouraging the child so that he or she can gain confidence and further develop their skills.
4.Assign a subject to focus on
Even if the student doesn’t perform quite well in school, he or she will usually have a favorite subject. As a parent, you should discuss with your child to find out which subject he or she is most interested in and focus on that subject.
5.Compliment your child when he or she shows improvement
Compliment your child as much as you can whenever he or she shows improvement – not just in terms of grades but in terms of showing interest as well. Such positive remarks will lead to great results.
6.Challenge the weak subject once the child has gained confidence
Once the child succeeds in mastering his or her favorite subject, they will gain confidence and be able to try out another. Keep the child motivated so that he or she can challenge him/herself to focus on the weak subject. Make sure you keep encouraging the child and provide proper guidance along the way so that he or she does not give up in the middle.