
When the weather gets hot, you want to stay as cool as possible in your own home. But at the same time, you don't want to rely too heavily on your air conditioning system, for fear of the high energy bills you're sure to receive later on. Tom Rechtin Heating & Air Conditioning has been providing sales, installation, and repair services to the Bellevue, KY area for over 45 years, and they have some key tips on what you can do to lower your energy costs this summer.

What can you do to stay cooler without spending more?

  • Service your air conditioning unit. Make sure to change the filters and have it serviced by your technician. A well-maintained unit will work at its most efficient level, and will use less energy than an inefficient one.
  • Buy a new unit. If your air conditioner is old, consider buying a newer model that is more energy efficient. Although it may initially cost more for a new unit, you will save money in the long run.
  • Keep heat away from your thermostat. Avoid placing anything that emits heat—such as lamps or televisions—near your AC’s thermostat. This will make your unit think it’s warmer, and thus use more electricity to cool down your home.
  • Use a fan. These will help circulate the cooler air in your home, so your air conditioner will not have to work as hard.
  • Turn off your lights. Even though you may use fluorescent and LED bulbs that are energy efficient, they still produce heat that will warm your room. Keep them turned off, so your air conditioning won’t have to work as hard.
  • Use a programmable thermostat. You can program your AC to warmer temperatures when no one is home, and time it to lower so you’ll return to a cooler home. 
  • Install an awning. This will block the sun against the side of your home and help keep the temperature down. The cooler your room, the less work your AC has to do.
  • Watch for humidity. You may be tempted to open your windows on cool nights and give your AC a break. But if it’s going to be hot again the next day, your air conditioner has to work even harder to deal with the combination of heat and humidity in your home. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and keep your windows closed and your AC on if the next day is slated to be a scorcher.
  • Move your furniture. Make sure your furniture does not block your air vents—you want that cool air to reach you!
  • Seal your doors and windows. Cool air can escape from the cracks in window and door frames, so check these areas and seal off any opening.

When you need to service your air conditioning unit or install a new one for maximum energy efficiency, contact Tom Rechtin Heating & Air Conditioning at (859) 261-8269 to speak to a professional. You can also find out more about their heating installation and repair services, as well as their products, on their website.
