
Whether it occurs while swinging a tennis racket or shooting hoops, amateur and professional athletes alike may suffer a range of injuries while playing games. To prevent more serious issues down the road, it’s important to seek the services a physical therapist as soon as pain or other symptoms emerge. Athletes may be susceptible to three key injuries in particular, all of which require immediate intervention from a qualified professional.

3 Sports Injuries a Physical Therapist Can Address

1. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is extremely common, particularly in tennis and soccer players. This injury occurs when the tendon, which connects a muscle to a bone, becomes inflamed due to repetitive motions or overuse. Without treatment, this condition can weaken the tendon and increase the likelihood of a sprain. By treating the inflammation and strengthening the tendon through targeted exercises, physical therapists will help treat the issue before it worsens.  

2. Sprains

physical-therapySprains refer to stretches or tears in ligaments or tendons. Often, athletes suffer sprains due to sudden, abrupt movements or overexertion. As the tear occurs, the athlete may experience a sharp pain. Afterward, more pain and swelling may occur. Those who have suffered a sprain may need the assistance of a support brace until the injury heals. A physical therapist may also prescribe specific devices and exercises that will strengthen the ligament or joint, thereby accelerating the healing process.    

3. Dislocations

Bone dislocations may occur when an athlete loses their balance and falls, or when the weight of their body shifts disproportionately due to some other cause. Dislocations often occur in the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. Often, this injury accompanies ligament damage or even bone fractures, which can be very serious. Dislocations require a multifaceted, gentle physical therapy approach.  


If you’ve suffered a sports injury, it’s important to seek support from a qualified physical therapist. The experienced team at Associates In Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in Calhoun and Dalton, GA, specializes in the sports injury rehabilitation services that will help you get back to your favorite pastime. Visit their website for more information on what they do, and call (706) 226-5533 to schedule an appointment today.
