
Your windows and exterior doors have several crucial functions. They must keep your home insulated from the cold, prevent burglars from entering your home, and add to the curb appeal of your property. If you’re concerned about theft, here are several things you can do to prevent entry through your doors and windows.

How You Can Protect Your Windows & Doors From Forced Entry


Burglars can gain entry to your home by smashing one of your windows. Using thick, double-pane, or otherwise reinforced glass during the installation process will make this more difficult. Locking your windows when you’re not home will act as an additional deterrent. Your window frames should also be built for strength because flimsy ones can be forced open more easily.

Exterior Doors

Most burglars will enter your home through one of your exterior doors. Not locking your door or keeping a spare key outside makes it surprisingly easy for your home to become a target. It’s also important to invest in a steel reinforced frame to keep intruders from kicking it in. Fortunately, a solid door won’t just keep burglars out—it will also improve your home’s energy efficiency. 

Patio Doors

Even if you don’t use the patio door often, burglars can capitalize on any possible point of entry to your home. It’s important to keep this door locked at all times, but you should also ensure the door will withstand forced entry. Whether you have a sliding or hinged door on your patio, it should have reinforced window glass and a sturdy frame to prevent intrusion. 


It’s important to invest in high-quality windows and doors to keep your family safe. The team at Timberline Door & Window can help you update your home for increased security. Their energy-efficient solutions are also great for keeping out the cold in Anchorage, AK. Their team uses a combined 40 years of experience to make property owners feel secure. Visit their website for more information about their products or call (907) 561-1734 to discuss your project.
