
Most people know that to stay healthy and hydrated, you need to drink between two and three liters of water each day. Though your kitchen faucet is a convenient source, unfiltered water is loaded with contaminants that could affect your well-being. Immunology experts increasingly recognize the harmful effects of these substances, especially on those with weaker immune systems. The experienced immunology specialists at Integrative Medicine of New York, PLLC, in Long Island list the three main types of hazards to watch out for.

What Is Polluting Your Water?

1. Microbes

Unfiltered water can harbor bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts. Although some of these organisms are harmless, others, such as E. coli and Giardia, can cause gastrointestinal distress and fever. People with weaker immune systems, such as the elderly or infants, are especially at risk and can experience severe symptoms that require hospitalization.

2. Chemicals

Chemical contaminants include either naturally occurring elements or human-made by-products of manufacturing or other processes that leech into the water supply. Some examples are bleach, pesticides, fertilizers, and drugs. When ingested over years or in high quantities, they can lead to reproductive problems, kidney disease, vision loss, and cancer. If you live near an industrial site or farmland, you may be at higher risk.

3. Minerals

immunologyArsenic, nitrates, metals, and asbestos are examples of mineral contaminants commonly found in unfiltered drinking water. They have the potential to cause serious health effects, from skin problems to cancer and nervous system damage.

Despite federal regulations, a 2017 study found that every U.S. state has at least one community water system with levels of contaminants that are harmful to human health. You can access your community’s water quality report through the Environmental Protection Agency’s website. But to ensure your drinking water is clean and safe, invest in a high-quality water filtration system. Not only will your health improve, but the water will also taste better.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of water contaminants mentioned above or seek an alternative, natural treatment to a chronic ailment, turn to the professional team at Integrative Medicine of New York, PLLC. Their medical specialists in immunology and regenerative medicine provide integrative, personalized treatments to help restore your health and improve your overall well-being. To make an appointment with an immunology professional, call (516) 759-4200 or visit their website to learn more about what they offer.
