
Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Since you spend about a third of your time sleeping, Popoki Massage/TK World recommends investing in a quality mattress and bed sheets from their mattress store in Honolulu, HI. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of quality sleep for peak function, so getting a good night’s sleep will provide you with various advantages.

5 Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

1. Memory Mastery

When you sleep, your brain still works subconsciously. It processes and organizes all the things you learned during the day, so sleeping can improve your memory. For example, if you’re studying for a math test, getting good sleep afterward will help you retain that information.

2. Stress Reduction

A sleep-deprived body will produce higher levels of stress hormones. Life is full of stressors, so sleeping well is an important way to help curb it. By sleeping well on a quality mattress from the mattress store, you’ll experience reduced stress. You may, in turn, avoid some of the physical side effects that accompany stress from headaches to tense muscles.

3. Strengthen Immunity

mattress storeSleeping allows your body to focus on important tasks such as producing protein for your immune system. This strengthens your ability to fight colds and infections. It’s for this reason doctors recommend plenty of rest when you’re fighting a cold or the flu.

4. Heart Health

Sleep reduces inflammation and stress in your cardiovascular system, so you can lower your risk of heart disease or stroke. The relaxation of sleeping also can lower your blood pressure, which further reduces your risk of heart attacks and stroke.

5. Stay Happy

If you’ve ever had a full day after a restless night’s sleep, then you know how a lack of sleep can impact your mood. Sleep helps you manage your serotonin and dopamine levels, so if you wake up well-rested, you’ll be happier. Your co-workers, friends, and family will all appreciate your increased patience.

The next time you’re perusing in a mattress store, remember how important it is to choose a mattress that personalized to your needs. Whether you’re looking for stress relief, pain relief, or a more restful night’s sleep, Popoki Massa/TK World is the place to go. They have everything you need, from sleep products at their mattress store to massage services by a therapist. Contact them at (808) 589-6503 to speak with one of their staff members or visit them online to see their wide selection of products.
