
As keys age, they become worn from constant use. After all, you likely use your house and car keys several times a day. It can be frustrating when they break, leaving many people wondering if this problem can be fixed. The experts at Enterprise Precision Locksmith, the leading locksmith service provider in Enterprise, AL, explain that whether it can be fixed depends on the problem and nature of the key. Here, they share more details on how to fix this problem.

Expert Locksmith Service Explains Fixing Broken Keys

Car Keys

locksmith serviceCar keys are more likely to experience issues such as a dead battery, water damage, or a broken cover. Thankfully, each of these can be fixed. For example, if the plastic case around it has snapped off, you can replace it with a different one. To do this, take the internal components out of the broken piece and place them into the replacement shell.

Other problems typically require a much simpler repair process. For instance, a dead battery means you’ll need to replace it by purchasing a new power source from the store. Additionally, your car key may experience water damage, especially if you’ve been caught in a rainstorm. When this happens, submerge the electrical components in rice overnight. If this doesn’t fix the issue, you’ll need to replace it. 

House Keys

Though house keys may experience problems associated with car keys, it isn’t very likely. The most common issue with a broken house key occurs when it snaps in half inside the lock. The only reliable method of fixing this issue is to bring both halves to your locksmith service and have them make a new one.

If your keys break or become damaged, turn to Enterprise Precision Locksmith. With a team of friendly and skilled technicians, this locksmith service will make sure you always have access to your home, car, and office. They also provide 24/7 emergency service to assist you when needed. To learn more, call (334) 347-5625. Like them on Facebook for the latest updates.
