
Although spaying and neutering your pet is optional for owners, any veterinarian would recommend this procedure. Spaying (females) and neutering (males) greatly benefits you, your pet, and the community. Below, Parkview Animal Hospital of Lincoln, NE, explains why your cat or dog should undergo this surgery.

3 Reasons for Spaying & Neutering Pets

1. Leads to a Healthier Life

For both males and females, sterilization can prevent many health issues. Neutered males have a reduced risk of prostate problems and zero risk of developing testicular cancer. Uterine infections, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer are common and often fatal in female cats and dogs. Spaying is the most effective form of protection against these diseases.

spaying2. Decreases Unwanted Behaviors

You may notice that cats and dogs that have not been neutered display territorial and sometimes unusually aggressive behavior. Intact males will often attempt to escape the house and look for a mate, putting them in danger of cars, wild animals, and other potentially hostile males. They’re also more likely to mark their territory within your home. Neutering your cat or dog will not completely eliminate aggression, but it may placate them if performed while they’re young. When female pets are spayed, they don’t go into heat, which prevents a host of undesirable behaviors, such as indoor urination and bleeding.

3. Prevents Unplanned Litters

Every year, millions of stray cats and dogs are euthanized due to overpopulation. By having your pet spayed or neutered, you’re ensuring that you aren’t contributing to this problem. There are simply not enough homes for unplanned litters, and strays can pose a hazard to your community. They are more often than not unaltered, and they may cause car accidents and attack pets and people. Most families don’t have the space or resources for unwanted litters, so it’s best to be proactive and have your cat or dog sterilized.

The professional staff at Parkview Animal Hospital care about the health and wellbeing of your pet. If you need spaying or neutering services, they provide safe, efficient procedures. Their veterinarians will tell you what to expect and how to care for your furry friend afterwards. To learn more, call (402) 423-6939 or visit them online.
