
You rely on your teeth every day — that’s why family dentists recommend practicing good oral hygiene. At Ed Struss Family Dentistry, offering general and cosmetic dentistry treatments in Lexington, KY, a team of professionals will be happy to explain what steps you can take to thoroughly protect your teeth. Here are their top recommendations for optimal oral hygiene.

Family Dentist Shares 5 Essential Oral Hygiene Tips

1. Schedule Regular Teeth Cleanings

Every six months, visit your dentist for a full teeth cleaning. Dentistry professionals use special tools and techniques to clean teeth more thoroughly than you can on your own. Regular visits also ensure that if you are suffering from dental decay or similar problems, the issue is identified early.

2. Stay Hydrated

If you needed another reason to drink eight glasses of water a day, staying hydrated protects your teeth from decay by rinsing away bacteria. When you’re hydrated, your body is also capable of making more saliva, which further helps rinse away bacteria.

3. Brush & Floss Regularly

Family dentistDental decay occurs when sugar left behind on your teeth from a meal attracts bacteria that eats away at your oral tissues. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day helps clear away the bacteria and sugar before it can do substantial damage.

4. Brush Your Tongue

Don’t merely brush your teeth — your tongue can also harbor a lot of bacteria. Make sure you brush it on a daily basis too.

5. Check Nutrition Labels

The less sugar you consume, the healthier your teeth will be. Unfortunately, sugar can hide in a lot of beverages and food items. Always check nutrition labels before purchasing anything that may contain it.

If you have any additional questions about this topic, feel free to discuss them with your family dentist. At Ed Struss Family Dentistry, serving the Lexington area for over three decades, they believe in making sure patients are informed about their dental health. Contact them online to learn more about scheduling an appointment, or call (859) 278-7434.
