
A graphic novel is a unique form of storytelling that involves both detailed photos as well as words. It is similar to comics in that the only text included is either dialogue or descriptive sounds. However, though it has many similarities to the standard comics, it also differs in a variety of ways.

What Is a Graphic Novel?

A graphic novel is a complete piece of fiction. While most books must reach a specific number of words to qualify as an actual novel, graphic novels are determined by the number of pages. This is because it is based on pictures as opposed to text. On average, they must be at least 60 pages long and can be as thick as 500 pages. Each page must contain a fully fleshed-out animation portraying a subsequent scene. It is not required for every page to contain text.

How Are Graphic Novels Similar to Comics?

graphic novelBoth types of fiction are based on panel-style illustrations. They rely heavily on art to tell a story as opposed to words. They are two of the most commonly used mediums to tell stories between superheroes and villains. Thus, their storylines can also have similarities.

How Are They Different?

While they may mirror each other in a few ways, a graphic novel and comic also have very definitive differences. The most notable difference is the length; a novel is much larger and longer than a comic. Likewise, the physical form differs greatly. Comics are often printed on thin, glossy paper, similar to that of a magazine. A graphic novel, on the other hand, includes more traditional printed paper. They also can be bound in hardback, which is a unique trait.


A graphic novel offers one-of-a-kind storytelling. A comic shop is the best place to find your next great read. Those in Indianapolis, IN, trust Comics Elite as their go-to store. Home to a variety of used comics, new comics, graphic novels, and even comic events, they have a passion for illustrated fiction. For more information, visit their website or call (317) 755-2533 today.
