
Grinding your teeth at night is a condition known as bruxism, which is much more common than you might think. However, this condition can often cause minor to severe issues, such as symptoms that range from jaw soreness to headaches and even broken or cracked teeth. Thankfully, if you notice such issues and think you may be grinding at night, there are a few things you can do to promote better oral care and prevent this problem.

Oral Care Basics to Prevent Teeth Grinding

1. Common Causes

oral careOne of the best ways to prevent bruxism is by avoiding substances and other problems that may cause it in the first place. For example, you can avoid alcohol and caffeine in the evening, as soda, coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages can all increase the risk of jaw clenching and grinding. Stress is another common cause of the condition, and reducing this problem can reduce your grinding. It’s best to try limiting your stress through exercise, meditation, and breathing exercises.

2. Restorative Dentistry

Another great way to prevent this common problem is by speaking with your dentist. Misaligned teeth and crooked bites are commonly associated with an increased risk of bruxism. That’s why your dentist may recommend numerous treatments, including orthodontics, veneers, crowns, and other services. Such options can help your smile become straighter and, thus, greatly reduce your grinding.

3. Protection

Even as you do your best to obtain the proper treatment and avoid common causes, you may still grind your teeth occasionally. To keep this from causing symptoms like headaches and damage to your enamel, consider obtaining a customized night guard. While this won’t stop the grinding, it will still protect your teeth whenever your jaw involuntarily clenches.


If you need help preventing bruxism and other symptoms of teeth grinding, contact a dentist at Genrich Family Dentistry. Based in Lincoln, NE, these oral care professionals offer over 30 years of experience to determine the cause of your grinding and find your ideal solution. To learn more about their services and how they can help you, give them a call today at (402) 466-2211. You can also find more information on their oral care services online.