
Your car battery might seem small, but it’s one of the most important parts of your vehicle. After all, without it, your car wouldn’t run. As with other auto parts, your battery will eventually need to be replaced. As the team at A-1 Auto A/C Specialist & General Auto Repair in Honolulu, HI, explains, understanding your battery’s expected life span and what you should do to care for it will keep you from getting stranded.

How Long Does a Car Battery Last?

In general, most car batteries can be expected to last three to six years. Over time, the chemicals involved in creating an electric charge in the battery will naturally deteriorate to the point when they can no longer start the car. However, extreme temperatures, particularly heat, can also significantly shorten a car battery’s life span. 

How Do You Care for It?

car batteryDriving habits influence how long your car battery lasts. If you frequently drive in stop-and-go traffic or primarily make short trips of less than 20 minutes, you likely won’t give your car’s alternator a chance to recharge the battery. Changing your driving habits every once in a while will help your battery last much longer.

When Do You Need a New One?

Car batteries usually give a few warning signs before they die. Flickering headlights or a sluggish start to your engine are common indicators that your battery is failing. A swollen or corroded battery and a rotten smell are also signs it’s time for a change, although these are more difficult to notice. In general, it’s a good idea to check your battery’s condition every six months, or every other time you get an oil change.

Whether you need brake repairs or a car battery replacement, you can depend on A-1 Auto A/C Specialist & General Auto Repair to do the job. Their friendly, Automotive Service Excellence-certified mechanics will provide top-quality work, whether you need brake repairs or tuneup maintenance. To learn more about their services, visit them online, or call (808) 836-2939 to speak with a friendly representative.
