
If you’re one of the millions of people who has been diagnosed with human papilloma virus, or HPV, it is important to schedule regular cancer screenings. Although it can develop into a serious issue for both males and females, in particular, it can cause cellular changes that make women more likely to develop cervical cancer. Here’s what you need to know about HPV and cervical cancer, as well as why it’s so essential to see a doctor regularly.

Cancer Screening Information: 5 Facts to Understand About HPV & Cervical Cancer

1. Transmission

Because HPV is typically spread via genital-to-genital or genital-to-anal contact, it’s important to use condoms during intercourse, especially with partners whose sexual history you’re unfamiliar with. Condom use has been shown to significantly reduce the odds of STI transmission.

2. Initial Tests

Cancer ScreeningWomen over the age of 30 who suspect they may have HPV can get a Pap smear to confirm whether or not they’ve been infected. If the test reveals the presence of the virus, it’s important to get in touch with a specialist to screen for cancer, as cervical cancer symptoms often don’t develop until the condition has reached an advanced stage.

3. Risks

While getting screened for cancer is necessary if you have HPV, it’s also important to not worry. According to the National Cancer Institute, about 80% of sexually active women will contract some form of “high-risk” HPV in their lifetime, but most won’t develop cervical cancer. Get screened, but don’t stress.

4. Risk Factors

HPV-infected individuals who practice long-term contraceptive use or have had many children are at an increased risk of developing cervical cancer. Coordinate with your physician to determine if there are any changes you can make to limit your risk.

5. Time

Generally, experts agree it can take anywhere from 10 to 30 years for a tumor to form after someone has been infected with HPV. Thus, you shouldn’t assume there’s no need for future screenings if your first one comes back negative. Stay in touch with your doctor to make sure you’re adhering to the proper schedule.


Has your doctor ordered a cancer screen exam? If so, get in touch with Main Street Radiology. With locations in Bayside, Flushing, and Jackson Heights, whether you need an ultrasound, biopsy, or related service, they’re an extremely convenient option. This accredited facility will ensure you receive accurate test results so you and your physician can move forward with any necessary treatment. Contact them online to learn more about their services, or call (718) 428-1500.
