
From a fracture to serious decay, various reasons can require you to have a tooth pulled. Luckily, dental extraction isn’t the pain it used to be, as modern technology and local anesthetics will keep you comfortable. After the process is complete, you’ll have to rest and limit physical activity for at least 24 hours. There are als additional steps you can take to promote healing.

7 Dental Extraction Aftercare Tips

1. Care for Your Gauze

Your dentist will pack the socket with a gauze pad to stop the bleeding and encourage a clot to form. Bite down on the pad and leave it in place for three to four hours. If it is soaked with blood, change it out.

2. Apply Ice Packs Regularly

Keep swelling at bay by applying an ice pack on the outside of your cheek where the tooth was pulled. Apply for 10 minutes at a time.

3. Eat Soft Foods

dentistEven if you’ve only had a single tooth extracted, eating might be tough the first few days due to general swelling. Stick to soups and soft foods, like pudding and yogurt.

4. Beware Spitting, Rinsing & Drinking

You want the clot that formed in the socket after your extraction to stay in place. Don’t dislodge it by rinsing your mouth or spitting forcefully. Also, avoid drinking from a straw; the suction this creates can also endanger the clot.

5. Prop Yourself Up

Use pillows to keep your head up when lying down. This can help keep bleeding at bay and also prevent subdue swelling.

6. Ditch the Cigarettes

Do not smoke after a tooth extraction. Firstly, this inhibits healing. Secondly, it can introduce additional bacteria into your mouth, increasing your risk of infection.

7. Take Your Meds

Your dentist will likely have prescribed some painkillers to help you get through the first few days. Take these only as prescribed.


Have more questions about dental extractions? The family dentistry professionals of Gladstein Dental Center will be happy to answer them. For nearly 30 years, Dr. Eric Gladstein and his team have been serving residents of New Britain, CT, and the surrounding areas. You can get an overview of their services online. For an appointment, call (860) 223-1162.
