
During the winter, it’s easy to forget about your driveway, especially if it’s covered by a layer of snow and ice. While asphalt is extremely durable, your driveway does need some care and maintenance when temperatures drop to prevent cracks and other serious problems. Below are a few tips for helping your driveway get through the winter intact.

4 Maintenance Tips for Your Driveway

1. Repair Cracks Right Away

You might be tempted to let driveway cracks wait until spring, but waiting gives them a chance to spread. Melting snow and ice can penetrate down into even the smallest crevices, where it freezes and forces the asphalt apart. Repairing the cracks immediately will keep them from forming potholes before spring comes around.

2. Clear Your Driveway Edges

asphaltIce and snow melt can cause pools of standing water in your driveway, which can damage the surface and cause dangerous ice formations when it freezes again. Give the water somewhere to go by removing four inches of dirt and grass from the edges of the driveway.

3. Use Sand to De-Ice

Road salt and other de-icing agents can degrade asphalt, so avoid cracks by using sand or kitty litter. If you just want to increase traction, pour some sand on standing ice and wait for the sun to warm it up. As the sand grains absorb warmth, they’ll sink into the ice and create a safe walking and driving surface.

4. Be Careful Shoveling Snow

If your area experiences heavy snowfall, make sure your snow shovel doesn’t have sharp edges that can gouge the asphalt. Plows can also leave nicks that allow cracks to grow, so ask for references from satisfied clients before hiring a snow removal company.


For more than 50 years, homeowners throughout Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts have relied on Beausoleil & Sons for the very best asphalt paving services. Whether you’re installing a new driveway or need fast, effective driveway repairs, their technicians will give your project the care it deserves. To discuss your project and request a free estimate, visit their website or call (800) 995-4945, and follow their Facebook for more tips and advice.
