
When you’re shopping at your local supermarket, you might only be thinking of what you need for the next week or two. Unfortunately, fresh food doesn’t last very long, so it’s a good idea to keep some of it frozen for long-term use. Schmitz’s Economart, located in Spooner, WI, recommends five frozen foods you should always have handy at home.

Foods From the Supermarket to Always Keep in Your Freezer

1. Berries

Berries are a naturally sweet, vitamin-rich treat that can be used for countless recipes. To ensure you get your daily dose of fruit, buy bags of frozen supermarket strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They can be used to make delicious smoothies or defrosted for yogurt, pies, and oatmeal. Most seasonal berries don’t last for much longer than a week, so it’s good to get the frozen variety alongside your fresh fruits for future use.

2. Vegetables

Whether you like your veggies separate or mixed, bags of frozen vegetables are great to keep in your freezer. Individual packs are an easy way to make sure you get a healthy serving of vegetables with your homemade meals. Broccoli, peas, carrots, and spinach all contain essential nutrients that remain even when frozen. You can steam, bake, or stir-fry them to your preference.

3. Whole Grain Bread

supermarketMany shun the idea of sticking bread in the freezer, but freezing it makes it last much longer. You could extend the shelf life of a loaf of bread from one week to six months. Bread defrosts in a matter of minutes, and slices can be stuck right in the toaster without the wait. Grab whole grain bread, which is full of fiber and minerals, and make sure it’s pre-sliced for convenience.

4. Salmon

Keep a fillet in your freezer for a quick, easy meal. Salmon is a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are important for a strong, healthy body. You can buy it from the grocery store fresh or frozen. Freezing fish doesn’t take away its nutritional value, contrary to popular belief, and once thawed, it can be grilled or steamed as a nourishing main course.

5. Ice Cream

Who doesn’t want a refreshing sweet treat to top off their dinner? Stock your freezer with your favorite flavors of ice cream for when a craving hits. While you should strive to eat healthy, indulging in a bowl of ice cream every once in a while isn’t going to hurt. As a healthier alternative, you can pick up a dairy-free brand.

Schmitz’s Economart is the one-stop shop for all your grocery, pharmacy, and errand-running needs. This supermarket has a wide selection of both fresh and frozen options, from organic produce to ice cream. Come get your essential grocery items from their frozen food department today. To learn more, call (715) 635-2836 or visit their website
