
If you love your dog but can’t stand their foul breath, you are not alone. Veterinarians know that chronic bad breath is a common complaint among owners. Animal Medical Center in Foley, AL, provides treatment solutions for these unpleasant smells. Before you make an appointment, learn more about the reasons for halitosis in dogs and how to fix it. 

What Causes Bad Breath? 

veterinarianBad breath in dogs can occur for many reasons. They may have consumed something with a foul odor. Or, in other cases, they licked an anal gland impaction. Dogs with recurring bad breath often have poor oral health, gingivitis, or a mouth tumor. Others have a medical condition that contributes to the issue, like kidney disease or diabetes. 

How Is It Treated at the Veterinarian? 

The way your veterinarian addresses your pet’s bad breath depends on its cause. If the animal has a health condition, caring for symptoms of inflammation will help relieve the smell. In many cases, professional dental cleanings and examinations are the best way to remove odor-causing plaque and bacteria.

While the doctor brushes and rinses your dog’s teeth, they will look for red flags of poor oral health, like gum recession and infections. If they notice signs of illness, they can apply an antibiotic gel in the office. They may also prescribe a daily antibacterial rinse designed to reduce germs in the mouth. If you have a breed susceptible to dental problems, like a chihuahua, dachshund, or pug, discuss individual considerations for oral care during the appointment. 

There are ways you can ward off foul breath at home. Select dog food that promotes better oral health. A variety of dental sticks and chews help remove plaque while giving your pooch a tasty treat. 

Partnering with a caring and qualified animal care professional and taking proactive steps at home will help cure your dog’s bad breath. To discuss canine halitosis and oral hygiene with a veterinarian, call Animal Medical Center in Baldwin County, AL, at (251) 955-5900. For information about their animal clinic physicians, visit their website. Explore their dog grooming and kennel services by following them on Facebook
