
Root canals are commonly performed on dental patients who have badly decayed or infected teeth. The procedure involves removing the damaged nerve and pulp from the inside of the tooth, cleaning out and disinfecting the area, and sealing it back up. If it’s necessary for you to have this treatment done, it’s important that you understand what to expect once it’s completed.

Here’s what typically takes place after a root canal:

  • Initial Discomfort: It’s common to experience some sensitivity and soreness once the numbness from the anesthetic wears off. This discomfort may last for a few days or a couple weeks due to tissue inflammation. If it’s intolerable, you can manage the pain with over-the-counter medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • root canalRecovery: During your recovery, it is best to avoid biting down on the treated tooth. Stay away from hard and sticky foods that may dislodge the filling material put into place during a root canal, including apples, carrots, chewing gum, and caramel. Instead, choose softer foods such as smoothies, yogurt, and soup.
  • Permanent Restoration: Generally, you will need to go back a few weeks after your root canal to finish the restoration. This will involve putting a crown on the tooth, which will make it functional again and preserve its long-term health. Usually, the crown will resemble the same color, texture, and shape of your normal teeth for a natural appearance.


The more you know about the root canal process and what to expect afterward, the more at ease you can feel going in for treatment. The key to a successful recovery is choosing a reputable professional who has extensive experience performing the procedure. The specialists at Grassi & Grassi, PC have over 40 years of experience with root canals and other endodontic treatments. They are dedicated to providing the residents of Rochester, NY, with high-quality services that focus on maximizing comfort and minimizing patient distress. Contact them at (585) 424-1111 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online for additional information.  
