
Cold weather can be tough on a car for many reasons, but warming your engine up for minutes on end to accommodate for lower temperatures isn’t really that helpful. In fact, the professionals at All Around Auto Care explain this common practice can cause avoidable problems to your vehicle. To help dispel the myth that drivers need to warm up before they hit the gas, this auto care provider in Elizabethtown, KY, explains the risks of leaving your car in idle below.

Why You Shouldn’t Warm Up Your Car in the Winter

Wastes Gas

In the winter, cars use more gas than usual. This happens because electronic sensors prompt higher fuel injection to support proper combustion in the presence of colder air. When you idle, you’re burning this fuel but getting no mileage out of the power. As a result of warming up every day, you’ll find you’re filing your tank up more frequently—and spending more money.

Causes Engine Damage

auto careThe extra gas that’s burned while warming up isn’t just tough on wallets—it can also increase the need for auto care. Prolonged idling gives fuel more time to dilute engine oil, which can decrease overall lubrication. As a result, engine components end up facing a higher risk of wear and tear than if you were to start the ignition and drive.

Driving Works Faster

It’s true that it can take a little longer for an engine to reach the optimal temperature when it’s cold outside. However, idling isn’t the quickest way to make that happen. Instead, driving will help get fluids and mechanical components working at a faster rate. To compensate for slower temperature changes, start your drive at a leisurely pace.

While most vehicles today can adjust to cold temperatures in an effective manner, it’s still possible to run into car problems during the winter. When that happens, All Around Auto Care is here to help. Whether you need an oil change to support proper lubrication or require extensive engine repairs, these mechanics will give your vehicle the support it needs to run reliably through the season and beyond. Visit this auto care specialist online to learn more about what they do, and give them a call at (270) 737­-9954 to schedule an appointment today.
