
Keeping up with HVAC maintenance not only helps you enjoy a comfortable home during extreme temperature changes, but it also saves money on your energy bills and reduces your carbon footprint. Knowing when it is time to schedule HVAC services is paramount to avoiding costly repairs and an uncomfortable indoor environment. While certain signs indicate the need for HVAC repair and maintenance, other factors also play significant roles.

How to Tell You Need HVAC Services

Increased Utility Bills

An increase in your energy bills often points to an HVAC problem. While issues such as an overly drafty or poorly insulated home also cause bills to increase, a dramatic change usually means your system is working harder than it should to maintain your home’s comfort level.

Aging Equipment

HVAC servicesThe age of your system often makes the difference between whether you need HVAC repair or replacement. If your system is more than 15 years old, it probably does not include the energy-efficient features you need to keep your energy bills reasonable. Energy Star®-qualified equipment, in comparison, saves more than $115 in annual energy costs.

Insufficient Heating & Cooling

Perhaps your heating and cooling system is keeping one room too hot and another too cold, or is failing to provide the level of hot or cold air your home needs. Professional HVAC services identify the reasons for uneven and lackluster heating or cooling, such as blocked vents or lack of insulation.

Strange Noises

Strange heating and cooling system noises are usually the precursors to larger issues, such as a system breakdown. Odd noises coming from an air conditioner, for example, signal motor breakdowns or coil problems—if not unit failure.


Short-cycling, or turning on and off frequently, can occur in HVAC systems for a variety of reasons, including clogged air filters and electrical connection issues. Units that are not properly sized for your home can short-cycle as well and result in higher energy bills.


3-D Sheetmetal has remained Honolulu, HI’s No. 1 source for HVAC services and sheet metal fabrication for the past nine years. They also provide metal roofing services. Schedule the timely, quality HVAC repair and maintenance you need by calling (808) 842-0110, or visit the website for more service information. Like the company on Facebook for plenty of helpful tips.
