
If you want to update parts of your home or office without committing to a major renovation, one of the best things you can do is have it professionally painted. However, if you’ve never hired a professional for interior painting, you might have some questions. Here’s what you need to know to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

FAQs About Professional Interior Painting

Does My House Have Lead Paint? 

If your house was built before 1978 and has not been renovated, there is a chance it has lead paint. For maximum safety, professional painting contractors will always check for its presence in older homes. When discussing and planning the project, they will factor this into the cost and duration.

Which Paint Finish Is the Best to Use?

There are four basic types of paint finishes—flat, satin, semigloss, and gloss. Deciding which to use depends on the room. In general, flat is best in low-maintenance rooms like a bedroom or living room. Slightly shiny satin is better in areas with medium to high traffic like a hallway. Semigloss works well in kitchens, bathrooms, and anywhere else that needs to be cleaned often, and gloss is great for highlighting trim and molding.

Do I Need to Do Anything to Prepare?

interior paintingBefore the project begins, it helps to move out as much furniture as possible. Not only does this make it easier for the painting contractors to move around, but it also protects your belongings. If it can’t be moved out, have it covered with a plastic drop cloth. 

How Long Does It Usually Take?

Each job is unique, and factors like room size and detail affect the duration of the project. For example, a small room might be done in a few hours if it’s just a simple, single color, but, if there’s more than one shade or trim to work around, it could take days.

What Can I Do to Preserve the Paint Job?

As long as you clean up messes as soon as possible and are careful to avoid dings and scratches, a professional interior paint job doesn’t require much maintenance. Solid preparation work and the appropriate finish is enough to last for decades.


If you’re in the Greater Anchorage, AK, area and are ready to schedule an interior painting job for your property, contact Alaska Painting & Construction. They can also help with plumbing and electrical repairs, flooring replacement, and home remodeling. To learn more about their services, call (907) 830-3050 today, and see previously completed projects online.
