
No two personal injury cases are exactly alike, so it can be difficult to determine how long a lawsuit will take to make its way through the legal system. However, a general process is employed in most cases, and learning about it will help you prepare for the time commitment.

Below is a brief overview of this timeline and your role in it:

  • Seek Medical Attention: The first step to getting compensation for a personal injury is to visit a doctor. This documents your condition in your medical records and confirms that you have been seriously injured.
  • personal injuryHire a Personal Injury Lawyer: Your lawyer will be your legal advocate at every step of the process. Look for an attorney who is experienced in injury law and makes you feel confident, comfortable, and respected.
  • Your Lawyer Investigates: Next, your lawyer will need time to go over the details of your case. They will look into your claim and ensure it meets the qualifications of a lawsuit, as well as go over your medical records to learn the extent of your injury and how it is impacting your life.
  • Your Lawyer Will Make a Demand or File a Lawsuit: Depending on the particulars of your case, your lawyer may make a demand of the other party or their insurer that states you are open to a potential settlement. If opposing counsel or the opposing party's insurer declines the demand, your lawyer will file the lawsuit.
  • Discovery: The legal procedure known as discovery begins after your suit has been filed. Both parties are given access to one another's information so they can thoroughly investigate the claims.
  • Negotiation: At any point before walking into a trial, either party can extend a settlement offer. Most personal injury lawsuits are resolved in this manner. In this case, each party negotiates a final settlement amount they find mutually agreeable.
  • Trial: If negotiations were unsuccessful, your case will go to trial. Either a judge or a jury will hear the details of the case, weigh all available evidence, and pass down a verdict.


For quality legal representation in a personal injury matter, trust the law firm of Stow Garvin & Glenn. They represent clients throughout the Gainesville, Georgia, area in a variety of injury-related legal issues. Call (706) 864-6674 or visit them online to schedule your free consultation today.
