
Fleas are more than just an itchy nuisance, especially when they find their way into your home. If anyone in the household has allergies, for example, they could develop dermatitis from the fleas. The health of your pets is also at risk when there is an infestation, which is why you should to stay on top of their flea and tick medication. If your pets do bring home fleas despite your best preventive efforts, though, the team at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital in Southgate, KY, has a few simple tips on how to stop the problem from spreading.

3 Tips for Taking Back Your Home & Beating the Infestation

1. Replace or Wash All Pet Bedding

If the infestation was severe, it’sflea and tick medication typically best to discard all pet bedding entirely. For minor cases, though, you might get away with washing the bedding in hot, soapy water. This should be sufficient to kill the fleas and destroy any eggs and larvae. When you want total peace of mind, though, replacing the bedding entirely is the best approach. It may be costly, but it is more affordable than treating a subsequent infestation.

2. Vacuum the Carpets Thoroughly

Insecticides may kill adult fleas, but unless you combat eggs and larvae, too, the infestation will simply recur once they develop. Vacuuming frequently and thoroughly will both eradicate fleas and prevent them from returning. In addition to eliminating the eggs, the vacuum will remove any organic debris the larvae were feeding on. It will also pull up the carpeting slightly, making it possible for insecticides to sink all the way down to the floor, where developing fleas are likely to hide. Once you finish this, visit your vet for flea and tick medication right away.

3. Keep Fleas off Your Property

If there are pests in your yard, even the most powerful flea and tick medication are essentially useless because your pets will be in contact with fleas several times a day. With that kind of frequency, it is only a matter of time before they latch onto your furry friends and enter your home. As a result, it is essential to treat your yard for fleas after treating your home. This might include cutting back branches so more of the yard is exposed to sunlight, spraying a safe and natural pesticide at regular intervals, and putting cedar wood chips where pets spend most of their time. Fleas are naturally repulsed by the smell of cedar, so this is a great natural approach to keep them away.

If you recently combatted a flea infestation on your property and the pets are now overdue for flea and tick medication, turn to Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital in Southgate, KY.  Their friendly team is proud to offer everything from vaccines and wellness testing to boarding and dental care. You can learn more about this pet hospital and the comprehensive care they provide by visiting their website. To make an appointment, call (859) 781-1800. 
