
Your luxury car is your pride and joy, but it’s also your responsibility to care for. The cold and snow can be tough on your car and impact your driving experience if you don’t take some precautions. The luxury vehicle maintenance team at Reid Vann Luxury Import Specialists in St. Louis, MO, knows how to care for cars during the cold season.

Follow these luxury vehicle maintenance tips to ensure your car is prepared for the unique challenges of the winter season ahead:

  • Test Exterior Lights: Shorter days and regular precipitation mean that visibility is poor during the winter. You’ll be relying on your exterior lights a lot more often to get around, possibly even on your commute to and from work. Ensure all your bulbs are in good condition, including the headlights, brights, turn signals, and brake lights. If your headlights are foggy, replace them or have them restored.
  • luxury vehicle maintenanceTop the Antifreeze: Antifreeze, or coolant, is essential in keeping your engine from freezing during the winter. Have an inspection done to ensure your engine has enough coolant and there are no leaks. You might get away with low coolant through the summer and fall, but, once temperatures drop to freezing, it becomes a larger concern.
  • Check the Battery: It’s normally more difficult for your car to start during the winter. Have a voltage test done on your battery to ensure it’s strong since you will need it to enjoy a reliable car throughout the season. If you still have trouble starting your vehicle and park it outside overnight, a block heater can be used to warm the engine.

With proper preparation, you can still enjoy a safe and fun driving experience through even the harshest winter days. Contact Reid Vann Luxury Import Specialists to request a winter luxury vehicle maintenance appointment. They are the local experts in Audi®, Porsche®, and Ferrari® repairs, as well as other luxury imports. Visit them online or call (314) 968-4100 to learn more about their services.
