
For both children and adults, going to the dentist can be nerve-wracking. Thankfully, the general dentistry experts at Beard & Holmen are passionate about keeping the experience as pain-free as possible for all patients. Their professionals want to help your little ones enjoy their visits; they suggest a few steps to take the edge off. 

How to Make Dentist Visits Fun for Children

1. Make Dental Care Exciting

Children are often scared that the dentist will find cavities and other major problems, especially if they don’t practice the best at-home care. Because prevention is key, parents should make oral hygiene habits more exciting for kids. This decreases their chances of cavity development, while also allowing them to associate the process with excitement. Keep a calendar on which you place stickers each day they brush and offer small rewards for every week or two of consistent care.

2. Play Make-Believe

dentistChildren love to role play. To help them prepare for the visit, let them pretend to be your patient, while you take on the role of the dentist. Then, give them the opportunity to reverse the roles. This allows them to have fun and become familiar with typical dental procedures, such as cleaning and exams.

3. Let Them Dress Up

Finally, on the day of the visit, let your child dress up or wear a costume for the occasion. They’ll likely feel more secure and safe if they’re wearing their favorite superhero cape as an expression of their courage and fearlessness.

Taking your child to the dentist can be stressful for parents too, which is why the experts at Beard & Holmen focus on making the experience enjoyable for everyone. With over 25 years of experience and a team of fully trained assistants, these friendly and compassionate professionals offer the services and expertise necessary to keep your loved one happy and healthy. Learn more about their general and cosmetic dentistry services by calling a representative at (618) 939-7181. Or, visit them online for more information about what they offer.
