
Invisalign® has gained immense popularity over the last few years. This orthodontic treatment allows patients of all ages to achieve straight teeth without wearing braces, which can be noticeable and uncomfortable. James Julien, DDS, has seen lots of success with his patients in Kenai, AK. Below, the dentist shares what you need to know about this remarkable technology.

10 Facts About Invisalign

1. You Need to Wear Your Retainers

You must wear your retainers for 22 hours every day. While you can take them out when you eat, you should leave them in for most of the day and while you’re sleeping.

2. You Must Brush Your Teeth

Brush your teeth after every meal before putting the retainer back in your mouth. Otherwise, the food particles will get stuck in the retainer where they can’t be flushed away with saliva or water, making you more susceptible to cavities. Additionally, don’t chew gum, as it will stick to the aligners, and avoid smoking to prevent discoloration.

3. Beverages Can Stain Them

The only beverage you can drink while you’re wearing your retainers is water. Stay away from beverages that could stain, such as wine and soda. You can still consume drinks other than water with your meals as long as you brush your teeth afterward.

4. Aligners Should Be Switched Every 2 Weeks

Invisalign treatment works by using a new retainer every two weeks to encourage certain teeth to shift positions. Wear the retainers as instructed and switch them at the appropriate times. To reduce discomfort, you may want to start wearing the new retainer right before bed.

5. Invisalign Could Cause Weight Loss

InvisalignWeight loss can be a side effect of wearing these retainers because it’s more difficult to snack throughout the day. Eating requires you to remove the retainer and brush your teeth afterward, too. You’ll also drink less soda and other sugary drinks.

6. It Doesn’t Work for Everyone

This orthodontic treatment can straighten teeth, but it can’t fix everything. For severe jaw alignments or tooth gaps, you may need braces. These clear aligners are best for mild orthodontic issues.

7. They’re Difficult to Detect

These retainers are nearly invisible. While you still have to brush your teeth and wear the retainers to achieve results, your friends and coworkers won’t know you’re wearing them.

8. You Need a Travel Toothbrush

One disadvantage of Invisalign is you need to brush your teeth after every meal. Since you can’t stay home all day every day, invest in a travel toothbrush. That way, you won’t set back your treatment when you’re unable to clean and wear your retainer.

9. Clean Your Retainer

It’s critical to clean your retainer before putting it back in your mouth. However, you can’t use toothpaste because that’s abrasive and can damage the aligner. Use denture-cleaning tablets or a mild detergent instead. For the best results, use Invisalign cleaning products.

10. They’re Not Plastic

Invisalign retainers look like plastic, but they don’t contain any harmful BPAs. The aligners are made with biocompatible polyurethane resin, which is more durable than plastic. That means you can’t wear it down or tear it by wearing it.

If you’re interested in teeth straightening with Invisalign, James Julien, DDS, can help. They have served the Kenai Peninsula Borough for over 20 years and offer convenient same-day appointments. Visit the website for more information or call the office at (907) 283-4857 to make an appointment.
