
Contact lenses are a great alternative to glasses for many people, and practicing proper contact lens hygiene is imperative to protect your eye health. To prevent infections and other problems, the eye doctors at Kato & Shoji Optometrists in Honolulu, HI, say patients need to know the following dos and don’ts for proper contact lens wear and care.


Wash & Dry Your Hands Thoroughly

You should always wash your hands with a fragrance-free, lotion-free soap, and dry them thoroughly before handling your contact lenses or their case. This prevents bacteria from contacting the lenses, and using soap free from fragrances and lotions will prevent eye irritation.

Clean & Store Your Contact Lenses Properly

Always use an optometrist-approved contact solution to clean your lenses and store them in a clean case. Use fresh solution when storing your contact lenses overnight. The case should be replaced every one to three months to prevent a bacteria buildup.

contact lensesRemove Contacts Before Bathing or Swimming

Tap water and other bodies of water like hot tubs, swimming pools, and lakes contain microorganisms that can cause infection. Removing your contacts before doing any of these activities will protect your eyes and lenses.


Try to Make Your Own Contact Solution

You risk damaging both your lenses and your eyes with a homemade saline or other type of solution. By using the wrong ingredients and measurements that are not approved by a professional, you risk causing permanent damage to your eye beyond irritation. 

Sleep in Your Contact Lenses

Unless your eye doctor specifically prescribes contact lenses you can safely sleep in, always remove them before going to bed. Sleeping in your contacts could cause an infection, and the lenses could even become lodged in your eyes. Always replace your contacts as directed by your eye doctor or the contact lens manufacturer.

The transition from glasses to contact lenses involves several changes, so it’s essential to know the tips above. If you’re considering contact lenses for the first time or your existing prescription is outdated, contact the eye doctors at Kato & Shoji Optometrists by calling (808) 735-8080 or schedule an appointment online. They will perform a thorough eye exam and provide you with a prescription for contacts or glasses.
