
Winters in Alaska can cause considerable damage to concrete and asphalt, leaving your walkways, driveways, patio, and parking lot in disrepair. This causes several types of safety hazards that you can avoid with the services of a high-quality pavement sealer. Veir Corp, the premier parking lot sealing and asphalt patching service in Sterling, AK, explains what pavement sealing is and how it improves the safety of your family, employees, and customers.

What Is Pavement Sealing?

Pavement sealingPavement sealcoating is a process that protects the surface of your asphalt against damage by the elements. When moisture collects on an asphalt surface, it penetrates and seeps into its pores. When the temperature drops below freezing, the moisture within the asphalt freezes, expands, and cracks the pavement. This can lead to potholes, loose chunks of asphalt, and uneven surfaces. Pavement sealing creates a surface barrier that prevents moisture from penetrating. It also protects your lot or driveway from damage caused by the sun's UV rays.

How Pavement Sealing Improves Safety

Potholes, loose chunks, and uneven surfaces in your concrete create numerous safety hazards. First, there is a risk of trip-and-fall accidents that could lead to injuries. Second, vehicles could suffer tire and suspension damage after hitting a pothole or striking an uneven surface. Finally, loose asphalt debris could be kicked up by a passing vehicle and damage the car's paint job or injure a passerby. Pavement sealing prevents these types of injuries and damages by preventing the destructive intrusion of moisture during the state's winter freeze-thaw cycles.

Don’t put yourself or others at risk by leaving crumbling asphalt in your driveway. If you are interested in pavement sealing for your driveway or patio, or if your business needs parking lot sealing or asphalt patching, contact Veir Corp in Sterling, AK. They've been successfully serving the Kenai Peninsula for nearly 30 years, so they have the skills and experience to provide fast, reliable protection and repairs. Visit them online, or call (907) 953-7208 to speak with a friendly representative and schedule service.
