
When placing your child in infant day care, it’s important to select a location that’s able to provide them with the individual attention they need. Cherokee Academy at Clayton in Canton, GA, wants you to know that one of the best ways to do so is by selecting one with a low staff-to-child ratio. Sending your child to a day care with enough staff to ensure all their needs are met helps set them on the road to success. Here’s a closer look at some of the benefits such a ratio can provide. 

Why Staff-to-Child Ratios Matter in Infant Day Cares 

The Right Number of Teachers Allows for Individual Learning 

Every child learns differently, and during their early years, receiving individual care and attention helps them flourish. When your child is an infant, they’ll build important skills and hit key developmental benchmarks. Having enough teachers to work with your child individually to help them strengthen their motor skills or give them a little extra attention to stimulate their cognitive development is essential.

Enables Children to Form Stronger Bonds With Adults 

infant day careBeing away from your child during the day is difficult for both of you, but sending them to an infant day care where they’ll be well cared for can lessen the strain on them. By having your child around a familiar adult figure during the day, it allows them to form strong bonds with other adults, something that will come in handy later in life. Doing so can make them more independent at an early age, which will make it easier when they enroll in day care and preschool. 

More Staff Means Safer Children

Another benefit to having a lower child-to-staff ratio is that it can drastically improve the safety of your child. Taking care of children can be a lot of work, even for trained professionals. It can be tough to be responsible for several children at once, especially infants with unique needs. However, having the proper number of staff in the day care will ensure your child’s properly cared for and there are never accidents because a staff member was off caring for another child. 

Selecting an infant day care with adequate staff will certify your child receives the proper attention and starts out on the right path in life. To learn more about child-to-staff ratios, contact the early childhood education experts from Cherokee Academy at Clayton today at (770) 479-4404. You can also visit them online for a closer look at their services.
