
Many homeowners forget about their septic tanks until there is an issue. By neglecting this important system, you may find yourself needing costly repairs. It's crucial to maintain your septic system to keep it in top working condition. Cleaning and pumping the two most crucial maintenance tasks to keep up with. Below, Baldwin Septic Tanks in Seminole, AZ, shares some information on what these actions entail and when you should do them.

What Is Septic Tank Cleaning?

septic systemSeptic systems maintain a healthy balance of bacteria to digest waste from your home. Residential systems require pumping every one-to-three years to clean out the tank and make room for new waste. Septic technicians will assess the contents of your tank before deciding how much to remove. They will never completely empty the tank. Instead, they’ll leave some waste to create a healthy biotic environment that promotes the quick breakdown of new waste in the future.

Septic system cleaning and pumping can cost several hundred dollars depending on the tank size. You may also have to replace filters every year or so to keep your septic system running smoothly and as clean as possible. These filters may cost several hundred dollars and are well worth it, as they prevent the need for repairs and extra inspections.

How Often Should You Clean Your Septic System?

A typical residential septic tank requires inspection every three years to see how full it is and test whether the bacteria community is doing its job correctly. If your home has a garbage disposal, you will need to pump more frequently, up to once a year. Other parts of the septic system, such as conveyance lines that move wastewater and drain fields, may need annual inspections to ensure they’re working efficiently and safely transporting waste. Check with your septic system manual to see the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning and pumping frequencies.

By maintaining your septic system, you’re ensuring that your bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry facilities run smoothly. If you recently moved into a new home, it’s a good idea to have your system inspected so that you know when to clean and pump it next. To schedule an appointment with Baldwin Septic Tanks, call (251) 946-3250. Visit the website for information about their free estimates, emergency repairs, and real estate inspections. The company offers commercial and residential septic tank installation, certification, and inspections, as well as grease trap plumbing and field and rain line installation.
