
It’s no secret that smoking can cause several serious health issues. This include your eyes, which opticians warn can be just affected by a nicotine habit. For this reason, Dr. L. R. Gabe of Show Low, AZ, urges his patients to refrain from smoking. Doing so not only improves lung function and lowers your risk of heart disease, but it can also positively impact your vision.

Optician Lists 3 Conditions That Can Result From Smoking

Macular Degeneration

While macular degeneration is commonly associated with advancing age, smokers have three times the risk of developing this damaging condition as nonsmokers. Smokers also tend to experience the effects of macular degeneration ten years earlier than people who do not smoke. If left untreated, macular degeneration can cause blindness.


opticianCataracts can also cause blindness and are the leading cause of vision loss all over the world. Smokers have a three-times greater chance of developing cataracts than nonsmokers. If you experience symptoms like blurred vision, color fading, issues with night vision, or double vision, scheduling an appointment with an optician is crucial to prevent more damage.


Diabetic retinopathy can damage blood vessels in the eyes, which leads to a decrease of oxygen and eventual blindness. Smokers have a much greater risk of developing diabetes, with 30 to 40 percent greater chance that they will develop this health condition. Diabetes can also cause many other issues with your health, including blurred vision.

Smoking is damaging to your overall health, and its negative effect on vision is nothing to ignore. When it comes to the health of your eyes, having the assistance of Dr. L. R. Gabe can make all the difference. Schedule an eye exam with this trusted optician in Show Low by calling (928) 537-5565 today. If you’d like more information on the full range of services available, visit the website.
