
As the temperatures plummet, you may be wondering about the condition of the asphalt parking lot you installed in front of your business. The team at Professional Asphalt Service, located in Long Lake, MN, says there are critical preventative measures that need to be taken when it comes to keeping your surface safe during abrupt weather changes. Here, they discuss some of the changes you should expect to see in your asphalt and how to deal with them.

How Asphalt Is Affected by Changing Temperatures

Cold Weather

During the winter, freezing temperatures cause the asphalt to expand and contract, aiding in the formation of cracks on the surface. In addition, any precipitation acts like a natural pair of pliers, as it freezes and expands the crack further. The more the water goes through the cycle of freezing and thawing, the larger the cracks get. These eventually become potholes if they are not repaired. To prevent this, apply a sealant before the winter begins.

Hot Weather

asphaltIn the hot summer months, asphalt goes through a similar process of deterioration. When water enters the existing cracks, they continue to erode if they aren’t taken care of. The sun is also responsible for many of the cracks that appear during the summer. Just as they can damage your skin, the heat and UV rays cause the surface to excessively dry out. If you notice these imperfections, call an asphalt contractor to fill them in as soon as possible. 

If you would like to install asphalt on your commercial property, give the team at Professional Asphalt Service a call. With 25 years of experience in repairs, patching, and routine maintenance, you won’t have to worry about the changing seasons anymore. For your free project estimate, send them a message online, or give them a call at (612) 636-8888 today.
