
The winter weather can be rough on many parts of your body, including the eyes. The season can lead to a host of issues, making it important to incorporate a few preventative measures into your eye care routine. Below, the professionals at Staarmann Family Vision Center in Fairfield, OH, suggest a few steps to ensure the best results.

Top 3 Ways to Achieve Optimum Optic Health During Winter

1. Keep Contact Lenses Moist

The harsh winds of winter increase the likelihood of developing dry eyes. If you wear contact lenses, the discomfort from this condition will only be exacerbated. To combat this problem, apply drops a few times a day or as needed. These drops will help to moisten the contacts, improving optic comfort.

2. Wear Sunglasses

eye careThe sun might not feel very strong during the winter, but that doesn’t mean it can’t pose a risk to your vision. Ultraviolet rays can reflect off the snow and enter your eyes, causing damage to the rods and cones and leading to sensitivity. Additionally, the snow and ice can increase the amount of light outside, causing you to squint more often and placing an additional strain on your optic muscles. Practice good eye care by wearing sunglasses with UV-protective lenses during the winter.

3. Add Fish to Your Diet

The foods you eat can have an impact on your optic health. If the winter weather is drying out your eyes, incorporate more salmon, tuna, and other types of fatty fishes into your diet. The omega-3 fatty acids found in these protein sources should help to ease discomfort.

If you need help taking care of your eyes during the winter, turn to the professionals at Staarmann Family Vision Center for assistance. These experts provide a broad range of services, from comprehensive eye exams to vision therapy, and they would be happy to help you. Give them a call today at (513) 874-1718 to schedule an eye care appointment, and visit their website to find out more about what they do.
