
Professional teeth whitening from your cosmetic dentist gives you a long-lasting, bright smile that cannot be replicated with store-bought products. Patients who receive whitening services are impressed and delighted by the dramatic, beautiful results, and they want to keep them for as long as possible. Here, Waterford Dental Health in Connecticut discusses their top oral health strategies and what to avoid to prevent staining. 

Teeth Whitening Preservation Guide 

Habits to Follow 

teeth whiteningTo preserve your white teeth, brush them thoroughly using a whitening toothpaste to prevent surface stains. Floss twice a day, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to remove plaque and prevent decay. Drink water throughout the day and after every meal to prevent staining.

Avoid smoking, chewing tobacco, and drinking excess alcohol. You should also rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after eating or drinking stain-causing snacks. Keep your teeth cleaning appointments so your dentist can monitor how well your whitening is holding up. 

Foods to Avoid 

Extend the life of your whitening treatment by avoiding foods and beverages that tint the teeth. Dark berries, citrus fruit, and candy are all known to spot and erode enamel, which exposes the yellow dentin underneath. Drink water and eat crunchy fruits and vegetables like celery, carrots, and apples instead.

Beverages to Bypass 

Drinks like coffee, tea, soda, and red wine are most likely to blemish your smile, but white wine and light-colored fruit juice can also affect the lifespan of your whitening results. If you do indulge in these beverages, dentists recommend using a straw. You can also protect your teeth by drinking a glass of water afterward. 

Teeth whitening administered by your cosmetic dentist will make your smile brighter than ever. You will also achieve results quicker and easier than if you use strips at home. To prolong your investment, follow the guide above. If you are interested in this service, make an appointment to discuss teeth whitening by calling Waterford Dental Health at (860) 447-2235. For more information, visit their website
