
Some homebuyers are hesitant about getting foundation poured walls in cold weather. One concern is that the elements will weaken the structure and cause lasting damage. Thankfully, however, this fear is unwarranted. A concrete foundation can be poured anytime of the year, including during winter’s coldest months. 

Preparing the Ground

With snow and ice so prevalent, the ground needs to be kept covered. This protects the concrete of foundation poured walls and allows them to build successfully regardless of the elements. A poured wall contractor will know how to do this best, based on your project’s size and structure.

Usually, the ground is covered before snow hits. Layers of hay are piled to keep it dry, and the hay is covered with tarps for an extra layer of security. With these protective measures in place, your foundation won’t be affected by snow, ice, or rain. 

Readying the Foundation

Once they cover the ground, your poured wall contractor prepares the concrete itself. While walls can be poured any time of the year, the method of preparation differs depending on the elements. The foundation needs to adapt to freezing temperatures, snow, and ice without causing any damage.

foundation poured wallsTo do so, more concrete is added to the mixture, making it thicker, stronger, and more weather-resistant. The water in the mixture is raised to a higher temperature, so it’s able to withstand even the most difficult of conditions.

The curling process moves faster to toughen the mix, with less chance for air to get trapped inside. With a strong mix and a well-prepared ground, your contractor is ready to begin work on the foundation poured walls. After pouring takes place, the careful preparation process creates a powerful chemical reaction, heating the concrete before it can freeze. No matter what the weather, it won’t slow down your project.


If you want foundation poured walls this winter, rest assured that the process is safe year-round. When you turn to Copley, OH’s Armada Poured Walls, you’re working with the best. Establishing strong foundations for over 18 years, they use cutting-edge technology to create strong, long-lasting structures. With robotic station placement and CAD technology produced in-house, the process is highly precise from beginning to end. Visit the website for more information, or call (216) 401-0043 to request a free estimate today.
