
December is moving right along and perhaps you’ve even started to do some holiday shopping. You’ve undoubtedly noticed the commercials on the television highlighting all sorts of sales and specials for the season. Maybe you work with someone who insists on playing holiday music non- stop. For some, these things can be stressful and cause anxiety. All this stress and anxiety can even lead to one grinding their teeth at night. As a matter of fact, it has been found that 70% of people clench and grind their teeth as a result of stress and anxiety.

The official name for teeth grinding is Bruxism and it affects 10% of adults and 15% of children. You may not even know you are doing it, but Dr. Lunan can sure see the results. 

Have you woke up recently to find that your teeth or jaws were sore? Have you been experiencing headaches more often? People that grind their teeth are three times more likely to suffer from headaches and neck or back pain. Other signs are ear pain, enlargement of facial muscles, teeth cracking and general soreness. When you grind your teeth, you wear down the protective layer of your enamel. When enamel is gone, it cannot be replaced which can lead to oral damage like cavities, tooth sensitivity an possibly even tooth loss.

You may be wondering how you can stop grinding and clenching your teeth.  If you are in the majority of people that grind when you are stressed or anxious then it’s important to talk to Dr. Lunan about it. She will evaluate you with a comprehensive exam and develop a treatment plan that’s best for you. 

The best way to protect your teeth and prevent tooth wear is to wear a night appliance. These appliances are thin, transparent devices you wear over your teeth to keep them from touching. While there are over-the- counter night appliances available the ones made at Dr. Lunan’s office are higher quality, custom fit and are more comfortable and durable as well as more effective in alleviating symptoms. Dr. Lunan’s office will take an impression of your teeth and use this to create your night appliance. Nightguards don’t stop you from grinding, but they serve as a cushion so that your teeth wear down the guard rather than your teeth. Wearing of these appliances will also help reduce your symptoms of discomfort. People usually wear these appliances to bed at night and are considered the best treatment.

You might think that the cost of getting a night appliance made by Dr. Lunan is expensive. But when you think about the damge you could be doing to your teeth, the cost is minimal. Other dental procedures caused by wearing down your teeth, such as crowns, veneeers, bridges, implants, extractions and root canals can be much more costly. 

When you first get your night appliance, be patient, it may take some time to get used to it.  It may take a week or up to a month for some, but this is normal. Before you sleep with it, you may want to try just wearing it around the house for a few hours to get used to the feel of it. 

Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga and behavioral management can help reduce the stress and anxiety one has. Oher things to help prevent grinding are to limit your intake of coffee and alcohol, and to stop smoking, especially before bed. 

When you are ready to make a commitment to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful call us at Dr. Lunan’s office. (203) 598-7920   We are always accepting new patients and are happy to help you and your family.     Check out our reviews.


