
Veterinarians often meet pet owners who worry about why their dogs look sad. While it can sometimes be difficult to discern emotions in a pet, canines tend to be very expressive. Luckily, a melancholy face may have nothing to do with their emotional state. Read on to understand why your dog seems blue.

What Veterinarians Want You to Know When Your Dog Looks Sad

It’s Probably Genetic

VeterinariansFor many years, people have been breeding dogs to highlight certain physical traits. Sometimes, this has unintended effects. The long ears and slightly worried or concerned eyes of a Basset Hound, for example, may look cute, but they can also give you the impression of a sad puppy. It doesn’t mean your dog is actually upset; it just means they’re the product of breeding.

Our Signals Aren’t the Same

It’s tempting to assume that animals signal emotions in the same way humans do. However, that’s not always the case. An example would be a dog putting its ears back and staring with focus into our eyes when we talk to them. It may seem like they’re sad, but they are simply picking up on the fact you want their attention. 

They Learn Behavior

Dogs are very good at finding out what types of behavior will get them the attention they crave. They may have learned from an early age that if they behave in a way that you perceive as “sad,” you’ll comfort them. That said, if your dog ever seems to be displaying a sudden change in behavior or habits, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment at your veterinary clinic. Pet care specialists will check to confirm nothing’s wrong.


Looking for quality, compassionate veterinarians in Sauk County, WI? Get in touch with Baraboo Valley Veterinary Clinic, serving the region for two decades and counting. They offer everything from vaccines to pet dental care, keeping your dog healthy and happy throughout life. Contact them online for more information, or call (608) 355-2882.
