
Advancements in women’s health allow your OB-GYN to detect and care for your pregnancy earlier than ever. Understanding the most common symptoms of early pregnancy can help you know when to make an appointment for a test. If you think you’re expecting or want to know what to look for, read below for physicians’ top signs. 

A Guide to Early Pregnancy Symptoms OB-GYNs Look for 


Feeling tired or weak is one of the first indications of pregnancy. As the progesterone hormones increase inside your body, you will feel more lethargic than usual. At first, you may think you are burned out or sick. Since fatigue is a sign of many other conditions, it may become more clear you are pregnant when combined with other symptoms. 

Swollen Breasts 

Tender or enlarged breasts often help women distinguish a new pregnancy from illness or PMS. You may feel tingling, soreness, or additional heaviness a couple of weeks after becoming pregnant. Your breasts may feel or appear bigger than usual throughout your pregnancy. 


OB-GYNAs hormones continue to fluctuate inside your body, minor headaches are common. Increased blood production is necessary for your baby to grow and can trigger pain in your forehead or temples. You may find the discomfort goes away as you move further in your pregnancy. 


Nausea is one of the most well-known pregnancy symptoms. Women often report feeling nauseous with or without vomiting before finding out they are pregnant. Food aversions are also common. If you experience nausea and fatigue with no other known cause, call your OB-GYN for a pregnancy test. 


Many women think they are getting their period before they find out they are pregnant. Cramping and a small amount of bleeding are typical signs of pregnancy and occur during implantation, about 10 to 14 days after conception. You may need to see a doctor if you get an uncharacteristically light period that does not last as long as your usual menstrual cycle. 


If you notice any of the symptoms above, making an appointment with a women’s health specialist is the quickest way to determine if you are pregnant. If you are expecting, you can begin planning for a successful pregnancy and delivery immediately. To make an appointment for a test or consultation with an experienced OB-GYN, call Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates in Fairfield, OH, at (513) 221-3800. To learn more about their new location in Liberty Township, their staff, or services, visit their website
