
Child custody is often one of the most difficult issues to work out when a marriage ends. If it isn’t possible for the parents to reach an agreement themselves, a family law court will step in with a resolution. Regardless of who makes the final decision on living and visitation arrangements, the top priority should be to protect the child’s best interests. Below is a basic description of the main types of child custody.

4 Different Ways Child Custody Orders May Be Arranged

1. Legal

Legal custody allows parents to make important decisions about their child’s upbringing, usually in regard to education, healthcare, and religion. If only one parent retains their legal rights, they can make decisions without needing to consult with the other parent.

2. Physical

child custodyPhysical custody determines a child’s primary residence and the parent who will assume most of the day-to-day caretaking responsibilities. The non-custodial parent will typically have set visitation rights that are outlined in a parenting plan or court order.

3. Sole

This type of custody is when a parent is awarded sole legal or physical custody. Though these situations are rare, this happens in child custody cases where the other parent is deemed unfit to make decisions or properly care for the child. This frequently arises if there is a history of substance abuse or child endangerment.

4. Joint

Joint custody is when both parents have equal legal or physical custody. This means they share decision-making duties, and the child is given the opportunity to spend the same amount of time with each parent.


Anyone dealing with a child custody case should seek the counsel of an experienced attorney who will explain what each arrangement means for their child. When the residents of Scottsboro, AL, need assistance with family law matters, they turn to Edmiston Law. These attorneys have helped many clients achieve the best possible outcome in disputes over custody and visitation. Contact them at (256) 259-0834 or visit them online for more information. 
