
Gravel is more than just an affordable material to pave your driveway — it’s durable, unique, and adaptable to a range of needs and styles. Whether you’re looking for an understated option that will complement your landscape or an eye-catching material that looks as great as your property, here are a few types of driveway gravel your dump truck hauling company can deliver.

Dump Truck Hauling: 5 Types of Driveway Gravel

1. Pea Gravel

dump truck haulingTrue to its name, pea gravel has a smooth, rounded surface that is available in a range of colors. A combination of hues can transform a driveway into a chic masterpiece.

2. Crushed Stone

Depending on the quarry where it was manufactured, crushed stone can be made from pulverized limestone, granite, gneiss, or trap rock. It is typically crushed until it measures about ¾ inches in size, which is safe for cars and foot traffic.

3. White Marble Chips

If you’re looking for a beautiful gravel driveway material, white marble chips are an excellent choice. They’re generally white or off-white, and their natural shimmer can reflect sunlight away from your property.

4. Quarry Process

Quarry process is a blend of stone dust and crushed stone. Gravel driveways tend to require ongoing maintenance, but quarry process is a great option if you want a lower-maintenance material.

5. Washed Clean Stone

This material is washed free of stone dust and debris, which creates a pure, durable gravel that is about ¼ inches or ⅜ inches in size. 

The right type of driveway gravel depends on your needs, budget, and general preferences. When in doubt, work with a professional dump truck hauling company that specializes in sand and gravel. They’ll be able to help you pick the right gravel type that will work for your property.


Proudly serving the Greater Mount Morris, NY, area, Spallina Materials offers high-quality gravel hauling, concrete, and asphalt paving services. This dump truck hauling company believes in quality work and top-notch customer service for projects large or small. For a free estimate, call (585) 658-2248 or visit them online to learn more about their sand and gravel services.
