
The temperature dropping below stifling is usually the cue to switch from sand castles to snowmen. But for homeowners, it’s also time to think about winter mold cleanup. Mold thrives in areas that are warm and dark, and there will be pockets of areas in your home that meet those requirements—even as the snow is falling. A-1 Mold Testing & Remediation Services in Lincoln, NE, offers mold testing and treatment all year round. Here are their top tips to stop fungus from taking over your home in the coming months.

3 Tips for Winter Mold Cleanup & Prevention

1. Monitor Humidity

mold cleanupA high level of humidity in your home is ideal for mold growth. Cranking your heat up and letting winter moisture inside will create a breeding ground for mold spores. You need to balance the temperature with the moisture level to keep the humidity level between 40% and 50%. Consider getting a portable dehumidifier, or visit a hardware store to ask about other humidity monitoring systems.

2. Keep Air Circulating

Cold temperatures often result in homes being closed up for an entire season. Airflow is limited, and that helps mold take hold. Keep the air moving inside by turning on the ceiling fans for a few hours a day. You can also open the windows when the weather permits. This is especially important when you’re showering, washing dishes, or doing anything else with hot water and steam.

3. Clean Regularly

Mold cleanup is most effective when you commit to regularly tackling your list of household chores. Mold likes to grow on dusty surfaces, so go around with the duster at least once a week. Also pay close attention to areas that frequently get wet, such as around the kitchen sink and bathtub—and don’t forget the entryway where wet boots are left to dry.

If you let the situation get out of control, your home will be harboring colonies of dangerous mold before the snow starts to melt. At that point, your only option will be professional mold remediation. Contact A-1 Mold Testing & Remediation if you suspect your house needs help. You’ll also learn more about their mold cleanup techniques on their website.
