
If you or a loved one has a suspended license and you have to acquire SR-22 bond insurance to get back on the road, you’re not alone. While it might feel frustrating to have to go to these lengths for one mistake, following the steps required by your state DMV, as well as any court requirements will place you back in good standing with your insurance company and the law.

Ohio Insurance Center Agency has provided high-risk auto insurance to their Cincinnati, Ohio, clients for years. Below, this trusted insurance agency outlines what you need to know when it comes to SR-22 bond insurance.

5 Details to Know About SR-22 Bond Insurance

What Is SR-22 Bond Insurance?

SR-22 bond insurance is a form submitted to your state DMV by your insurance company. It proves to both the court systems and the state that you have acquired this type of high-risk auto insurance that meets state liability minimums.

Who Needs This Type of High-Risk Auto Insurance?

Any person who has had their license suspended due to a traffic infraction needs this. In addition, those who are required by the court systems to acquire high-risk auto insurance must do so before their licenses are restored and the points are removed. 

How Do I Get My License Back?

Depending on your situation, as well as any court requirements, once you acquire SR-22 bond insurance, your license will be returned to you. Some states require drivers to maintain this type of insurance for up to two years before they are allowed to simply have regular auto insurance. 

What Does SR-22 Bond Insurance Cost?

Depending on your record, as well as the incident for which your license was suspended, high-risk auto insurance can fluctuate. Call your trusted insurance agency for a quote and have any mandated court requirements on hand. 

Why Can’t I Simply Get Regular Insurance?

Each state has specific laws about traffic infractions. To restore your license, you must prove to the court systems that you are able to drive responsibly and maintain the minimum insurance required. 

If you’ve had your license suspended due to a traffic infraction, taking the legal steps to reinstate your license is the fastest way to get you back behind the wheel. The professional insurance agents at Ohio Insurance Center Agency are available to address all of your insurance needs or questions. Call (513) 522-6300, or visit the website for more information. 
