
Most garage doors can last up to two decades when maintained properly. Of course, maximizing your doors’ lifespan comes down to taking the best possible care of them. Simply making sure there are no obstructions and opening and closing the doors properly each time are a few good places to start. However, there are even more simple tips you can incorporate into your maintenance routine to get the most out of your investment.

Great Garage Door Co. in Maplewood, MN, shares some professional tips for optimizing your garage door’s performance:

  • Keep the Tracks Clean: Over time, dirt and debris can make their way into the tracks of your door system. Because they force the system’s components to work harder, they can slow the rate at which the doors open and close. To keep things running smoothly, regularly wipe down the tracks using a microfiber cloth, removing any dust and grime that may have built up over time. 
  • garage doors Maplewood MNInspect Your System Regularly: Every so often, visually inspect your garage door’s components. Thoroughly look over small details like fasteners to ensure everything is in its proper place. If you find anything is loose, make adjustments as needed to prevent more significant damage from occurring.    
  • Don’t Put Off Repairs: If a more pronounced problem develops with your garage doors or any of their mechanical components, don’t wait to have the issue addressed by a professional. Allowing more time than necessary to go by will only cause the problem to worsen, and failing doors could even become dangerous to your property or the people who frequent it.

If you’re in need of high-quality garage door repair or installation services, there’s no better team for the job than Great Garage Door Co. With more than three decades of experience, their team is committed to providing quality service to homeowners in the Maplewood community. From tuneups to repairs like spring replacements, they offer everything you need to maximize your set of doors for years to come. Call (651) 486-0000 to schedule service, or visit their website for additional information.    
