
A variety of factors could cause you to want to remove one or more trees. This could include dead limbs, leaning, or needing to clear the space for further construction. Whatever your reasoning, it can be tempting to try and take on the job yourself. However, do-it-yourself (DIY) tree removal is dangerous in a multitude of ways. According to Alaska Hydro Ax, a professional land clearing company in Anchorage, DIY removal can lead to serious injury or even death in extreme cases.

What Are the Dangers of Amateur Tree Removal?

1. Lack of Control

Tree removal is most dangerous as the trunk and limbs are falling. Whether you're a professional or an amateur, if you are struck by a branch, you could be subject to injury. However, a professional is much more likely to keep control of the falling foliage. Those who attempt to bring a tree down themselves are at a much higher risk of harm. This is because they do not have the experience or tools necessary to accurately predict the fall.

2. Power Lines

Losing control of a falling tree is especially dangerous if you are close to power lines. If a limb catches onto a wire, it could knock out the electricity for the entire area. As live wires fall, you are also putting those on the ground at risk of electrocution. This is especially dangerous in moist, humid, or rainy conditions. When you attempt DIY tree removal, the risks are far greater than the reward.

3. Property Damage

tree removalWhile the biggest concern of the job is the safety of the people involved, it’s also smart to consider the property surrounding the tree. If working on a large piece of land, you can make the removal process much more difficult if a single fallen tree damages your property. Likewise, nearby residential or commercial buildings might be at risk. Roofs, walls, and glass windows can all be compromised if a falling limb gets too close. Entire rooms can be demolished by a single mistake. That’s why it’s best to always hire a professional and affordable tree service.

Do-it-yourself tree removal is dangerous in many different ways. Those in Anchorage trust Alaska Hydro Ax as their preferred excavation contractor. If you are looking to clear a large amount of land, trust the experts with the proper tools and machinery. They guarantee a safe and satisfactory service. For more information on tree removal, visit their website or call (907) 243-6200 today.
