
Whether you’re a fan of sports boats or have been an avid fishing captain for years, it’s crucial to understand when your boat is ready to be retired. They aren’t designed to last forever; if they are used too long past their expiration date, your time on the water becomes dangerous. Below are a few ways to tell that it’s time for a new vessel. 

3 Signs You Should Buy a New Boat

1. Too Many Repairs

Most boat owners know that they’ll need repairs at some point. However, if the vessel requires more than a handful of minor repairs in a short amount of time, it might be more cost-effective to replace it. New boats are financed for a reasonable monthly price, which could be significantly less expensive than paying for multiple repairs on an older model. 

2. Fuel Inefficiency

boatsIf the fuel is no longer getting your boat quite as far as it did before, consider replacing the vessel. Inefficient fuel usage is a sign that the engine is no longer working as efficiently as it once was and is a tough problem to remedy.

3. Shaking & Rattling

While some jostling is expected while you’re on the water, major rattling and shaking in the boat is a sign that the engineering is no longer working properly. This may indicate a problem with the engine or propeller and should be taken in for maintenance as soon as possible. The boat repair service may tell you that severe shaking warrants purchasing a new model. 


Want to buy a boat in Rochester, NY? Get in touch with the team at McMillan Marine. For 25 years, this group of highly qualified marine experts has made it their mission to provide education and high-quality inventory to aquatic lovers around the area. For more information, visit them online or call (585) 288-2180.
