
A new strain of dog flu has been reported by some pet owners in Northeast Ohio. This illness can be very serious and potentially fatal. Symptoms vary depending on the size and breed of each dog, but it’s highly contagious and should not be taken lightly. Animal Care Center of Fairfield is an emergency vet in Butler and Hamilton counties, OH, run by veterinarians dedicated to keeping your pets safe and healthy. To protect furry friends and keep an eye out for this serious illness, they supply a list of symptoms below.

3 Signs to Look for as Dog Flu Hits Northeast Ohio

Coughing & Sneezing

emergency vetCoughing and sneezing can be due to many different ailments, and it isn’t always serious. However, if you notice a pronounced increase in these symptoms, it could be worth looking into. Dogs may sound like they’re choking on something or are constantly hacking.

Decreased Appetite

Loss of appetite is another potential symptom of the canine flu. So if you notice your dog avoiding or not finishing their meals, call your veterinarian right away.


If your dog is throwing up what little food they’ve ingested, this could be a cause for concern. Monitor them to ensure you’re aware of any lasting nausea. Look for excessive drooling, vomiting, or dry heaving. This symptom may warrant a trip to an emergency vet. 

Even if your dog appears healthy now you should still be vigilant so you can catch symptoms should they arise. Doing so allows furry friends to get the treatment they need to get better faster. It’s also wise to schedule an appointment at Animal Care Center of Fairfield so they can get their flu shot and other pet vaccines. To learn more about their veterinarians and emergency vet services, contact the company online or call (513) 829-6621 for more information.
