
Clean drinking water is one of the world's most important resources, and it sometimes takes considerable effort to transform groundwater into something that tastes good and is safe to consume. Affordable Water Treatment, the leading water purifier experts in Gig Harbor, WA, explains how the process works. There are several methods, and they are often used in tandem. Learn how water treatment systems remove contaminants and produce clean, potable drinking water.

Water Filtration

Water filters work by forcing water through a material or membrane that removes many of the contaminants while allowing water molecules to pass through. Various materials are used as filters. For instance, carbon filters—made with activated charcoal—are used to remove biological contaminants that cause unpleasant odors and flavors.

Water treatment Sediment filters, which remove dirt and grit, are often made of polypropylene, polyester, cellulose, ceramic, or glass fiber. Salt, usually either sodium chloride or potassium chloride, is used to "soften" water, or remove minerals like calcium and magnesium. Reverse osmosis filters utilize an extremely effective semi-permeable membrane, which removes everything from microorganisms and ions to pesticides and other chemicals.

UV Disinfection

In addition to filtration, many systems use ultraviolet radiation to disinfect the water after it's filtered. In addition to destroying 99.9% of all pathogenic microorganisms, the UV rays also inhibit the survivors' ability to reproduce to dangerous levels. Unlike chemical treatments, pathogens cannot develop immunity to the effects of UV light. This makes it a particularly effective water treatment method, especially if water is pre-treated by water filters.

For clean, contaminant-free water that tastes good, contact Affordable Water Treatment, the water filtration experts in Gig Harbor, WA. They will help you choose and install an affordable water purifier system that meets your individual needs. Visit the website to submit a contact request form, or call (253) 858-7644 to discuss your options with a friendly professional.
