
As the weather grows colder and the nights get longer, you need to make sure your heating system is ready for the season ahead. So how can you tell if you need heater repair? If you own a boiler, there are a few clear signs, which will let you identify a problem and call in an HVAC expert to fix it.

How to Tell if You Need Repairs

No Heat

If your boiler isn’t producing heat when it’s on, there’s an apparent problem at hand. If the pilot light is out or your fuel tank is empty, those issues are easy to fix. Otherwise, you’ll need to schedule heater repair.


Your boiler should not be leaking or dripping as it runs. Not only does escaping water or steam cause damage to your property, but it also lowers the pressure in your system, which can cause it to stop working correctly. Call for repairs as soon as you notice a leak.

Pilot Light Problems

As mentioned above, if your pilot light blows out occasionally, it’s easy to relight. But if it happens frequently, it’s a sign of a problem. There may be a problem with your fuel line, which needs attention right away.

Unusual Noises

Heater RepairBanging, clanking, and rattling sounds can point to serious problems with your boiler. Another one to watch out for is “kettling”—a sound like water boiling in a kettle. Any new, loud, or unusual noises should be discussed with your local heater repair expert.

Repeatedly Turning Off

If everything works correctly, your boiler should come on occasionally, run for a while, and then shut itself off and stay that way until your home cools. If it’s going on and off repeatedly for short intervals, there are several possible problems. One of the most common is an issue with the thermostat, which prevents the system from reading your home’s temperature correctly, making the heater ineffective and putting unnecessary strain on the system until it’s fixed.


Your boiler is probably the most important appliance in your home during winter. Make sure it’s in working condition by scheduling maintenance or repairs today. To keep your home warm this winter, schedule heater repair or installation with Tom Hundley Heating & Cooling in Broken Arrow, OK. For 37 years, they’ve served the Broken Arrow and Tulsa area with experienced maintenance services and installation, keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. To schedule a visit, call them at (918) 455-5993 or send a message online.
